Explore the Antioch Recovery Project
A Classics Research Lab
The Antioch Recovery Project is an ongoing research lab dedicated to the study of mosaics from the city of Antioch-on-the-Orontes and its surroundings. Led by principal investigator Jennifer Stager, this site houses the ongoing research of lab members, who are students at Hopkins from first-years to graduate students. ARP works in collaboration with a number of experts at Hopkins and in the Baltimore area, as well as with the global community of Antioch researchers. Meet our team here.
We grieve with the people of Turkey and Syria in the aftermath of the earthquakes earlier this week. Our hearts are with the rescuers doing courageous work on the ground to save as many people as possible, with families waiting for news, and with those who have lost loved ones. Our collective study of the mosaics crafted in ancient Antioch is framed by learning about ancient and modern Antakya in Hatay Province and its surroundings.
Through the recommendations of colleagues among the global consortium of Antioch researchers, we wish to amplify the following aid organizations where those of us far from the region can direct our financial support:
Excavated by an international team of archaeologists in the 1930s, hundreds of ancient mosaics from the cosmopolitan city were subsequently dispersed to museums and institutions across the globe, with over thirty mosaics entering the collection of the Baltimore Museum of Art.
All images and photographs are taken by members of the lab or come from the Princeton Antioch Visual Resources Collection