The Dancing Maenad from Atrium House

This semester, I studied the Dancing Maenad mosaic at the Baltimore Museum of Art. Included in the ArcGIS Storymap link below is a 10 minute audio presentation of my research and the accompanying transcript. 

This post discusses the role of the Dancing Maenad in Antioch, where the mosaic sits today, as well as broader implications of dance and the maenad as a figure around the 1st century CE. 

Within the post is a map of the ancient site of the mosaic (the Atrium House in Antioch) and connections to the present day locations of the larger mosaic fragments across the world. Additionally, there are images of the mosaic, of the site excavation, and of the conservation interventions. 

Caroline Cerilli


Europa and the Bull


The Narcissus Mosaic Pavement from The House of Narcissus